Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amazing trick to make a Blank Folder and make it hidden without actually hiding it...

Hey guys, this is a simple trick to make a blank folder i.e give a blank name for a folder! and will also tell you to create a invisible folder without actually making its properties hidden!

Follow these steps
Step 1: Create a new folder.
Step 2:  Now press F2 or rename this folder.
now to put a blank to folder name, you should have a numeric keypad attached to your keyboard i.e numeric keypad is preferable.
Step 3: Now when you press rename, type "ALT + 255".
This will write a blank character in the namespace, as shown below.
Step 4: Now to put a blank icon to the folder.
Right click on the folder => click properties.
Step 5: Now click on 'Customize', Then click on 'Change Icon'
Then search for a blank icon in the list and click OK and again OK.
As shown below

Now , a blank folder which is equal as a hidden folder, i.e it is not actually hidden but when you click that blank space where the folder is located  ,you can access it...

Try this, its really interesting...
plz comment if you like....

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